Gilbert & Sullivan – The Best Of Gilbert & Sullivan

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Gilbert & Sullivan – The Best Of Gilbert & Sullivan

Artikelnummer: VTLNJVUH1J Kategorie:


Artist / Band: Gilbert & SullivanTitle / Titel: The Best Of Gilbert & SullivanLabel: Prism Leisure 2003Format: 3CDZustand: NEU OVP / Sealed BOX

CD11Hark The Hour Of Ten Is Sounding2Judge’s Song3We Sail The Ocean Blue… Buttercup’s Song4My Gallant Crew… I Am The Captain5When I Was A Lad6Never Mind The Why And Wherefore7He Is An Englishman8Pirate King’s Song9Oh Is There Not One Maiden Breast?10How Beautifully Blue The Sky11I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major General12When The Foeman Bears His Steel13When You Had Left Our Pirate Fold14Ah! Leave Me Not To Pine Alone15A Policeman’s Lot Is Not A Happy One16With Catlike Tread17March And Entry Of The Peers18The Law Is The True Embodiment19When I Went To The Bar20When All Night Long21When Britain Really Ruled The Waves22Oh Foolish Fay23Nightmare Song24If You Go InCD21If You Want To Know Who We Are… A Wandering Minstrel2Our Great Mikado3Behold The Lord High Executioner4I’ve Got A Little List5Three Little Maids From School6Braid The Raven Hair7The Sun Whose Rays8Here’s A How-De-Do9A More Humane Mikado10The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring11Tit Willow12There Is Beauty In The Bellow Of The Blast13Is Life A Boon?14Where I Thy Bride?15Hereupon We’re Both Agreed16Strange Adventure17A Man Who Would Woo A Fair Maid18When A Wooer Goes A Wooing19For The Merriest Fellows Are We20We’re Called Gondolieri21From The Sunny Spanish Shore22In The Enterprise Of Martial Kind23I Stole The Prince24When A Merry Maiden Marries25A Regular, Royal Queen26Take A Pair Of Sparkling Eyes27There Lived A King28In A Contemplative Fashion29Small Titles And OrdersCD31When First My Old, Old Love I Knew2A British Tar Is A Soaring Soul3Things Are Seldom What They Seem4When Frederic Was A Little Lad5Climbing Over Rocky Mountain6I Cannot Tell What This Love May Be7Am I Alone And Unobserved?… If You’re Anxious For To Shine8A Magnet Hung In A Hardware Shop9So Go To Him And Say To Him10If Saphir I Choose To Marry11Though P’r’aps I May Incur Your Blame12If We’re Weak Enough To Tarry13Young Man, Despair14So Please You Sir, We Much Regret15I Am So Proud16See How The Fates17From The Briny Sea… I Shipped D’You See… Hornpipe18My Boy You May Take It From Me19When The Night Wind Howls20My Eyes Are Fully Open21Tower Warders… This The Autumn Of Our Lives22When Our Gallant Norman Foes23I Have A Song To Sing O24I’ve Jibe And Joke25’Tis Done! I Am A Bride26O! A Private Buffoon27Buon Giorno, Signorine28I Dance A Cachucha29I Am A Courtier Grave And Serious

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Gilbert & Sullivan - The Best Of Gilbert & Sullivan

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